As i said i went out to photograph some of the dramatic red light that we have had because of the smoke in the air, so i went to Tamarack Beach in Carlsbad. Soon as i get there i spot our mutual friend, its some guy with this beat up and rusted VW Bus.
Blaine did a
post about it a while back, and its so funny cus it seems that everybody and their mother has seen this van at the beach. I took some photos of it but quickly stopped as i spotted the owner inside the van giving me the evil eye, Blaine got some sweet shots and mine aren't as good as his but its fun to have the saga continue. While im on the subject of Blaine, i wanted to ask all of you who read my blog to keep him and his wife in your prayers. They will be embarking on an amazing trip that will span several months and continents, they are traveling around the world pretty much. I will say that i am slightly jealous, of course the world is a very different place these days. Carrying around expensive camera gear is not to be taken lightly because of thieves and such. Then theres the health factor, they have been vaccinated for just about every microbe known to man but theres always that chance. So i just ask all of you to keep them in prayer while they are gone, things to pray for are of course safety, heath, continuing strength, and that they still love each other when they return.........JK. Keep them in mind and follow the link to blaines blog him and bethany (his wife) are INCREDIBLE photographers. Im sure he will have some mind blowing stuff on there soon.

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thanks dude!
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