So i awoke today feeling like caca, it must have been something i ate. All of a sudden the phone rings!!! I dint get to it in time so it went to voicemail, it was
Mike Baca who had called. He says "wake up you lazy bum i want to go shooting" or something to that effect. So now a choice had to be made, should i stay home and be sick? or should i go out shooting and be sick not close to home? The choice was clear and before i could talk myself out of it i got on the phone and called back. So began our shooting adventure, now you would think that because its been raining that we would think about the fact that the ground is nothing but mud and we would take crappy clothes and shoes. Nope........we didnt and at the end of the day we had about 20 pounds of mud on our shoes plus the mud on our clothes no lie. It was a blast though, Mike has a very unique style that i appreciate and it was a stretching experience for me to try and see the world like he sees it. I had a penchant for vertical today too......weird. Oh well it was a great experience and well worth the destruction of clothes and shoes. heres some pics.....enjoy.

I did an alternate of the image below with some blue toning and burning in the sky and all, so heres the original...

and heres the alternate..

the crazy duo....

and just to show you that i wasnt liying about the mud.......

thats all for now, im sure Mike will post his stuff soon so make sure you check those out.