Thursday, January 22, 2009

Congrats to Tiffany and Sam....

Yes i am INCREDIBLY behind on everything right now and that includes updating the blog, working and getting the house ready for moving in has made things a little stressful. Anywho, i posted a blog update a while back saying that this full post was coming soon and that turned into a much longer time period than i wanted to. So here i am finally getting this up in all of its glory!!!! So yes 2008 was a great year and towards the end we got to shoot 2 weddings that were A LOT of fun!! Tifanny and Sam's was our 2nd to last wedding of the year and one that i had been looking forward to shooting since i shot their engagement photos. As it always is towards the end of the year the weather was a bit of a concern but i forget that we live in Souther California and we dont really have "weather" per say so the day was clear and sunny. Everything was perfect, and everyone was just a blast to be around. Tiffany's brother Scott or Fluffy Duffy as we affectionately call him was part of the wedding party and just a lot of fun to be around. Everyone was seriously laid back and calm it was AWESOME!!!! Not only that but both Tiffany and Sam were so cool about shooting and just let me do pretty much whatever i wanted wich was so cool. Well after the ceremony and all the photos we had to brace ourselves for a reception that was OFF THE HIZZLE!!! hahahaha it was seriously a blast and dear lord the amount of air guitar that was busted out by all was seriously incredible. So there you have it, all that just to say that their wedding was such an incredible time to be there and shoot it. Thank you guys for making everything so fun.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

NYC got OWNED!!!

Yes it is true, the Menendez clan went to NYC!!!! But we were not alone because the Coulter clan was also with us, so it was mom dad david and his wife julia and danny and his wife marcy. We had a blast and did an incredible amount of walking, i will admit that it was a little weird being in New York City. Not because the city is weird but because its a place that i have seen and heard of in so many movies that everywhere i looked i could recognise places. We ate a lot of good food, took a boat tour around Manhattan Island, walked around Central Park, ice skating at the Rockefeller Center, being there while it snowed.....and the list goes on and on and on. We did get to see some broadway shows while we were there and we also got to go to the taping of the Late Show with Dave Letterman!!!! The city is amazing, there is so much history, energy and so many things to see and do that really 5 days is nowhere near enough. Truly this was an experience that will stick with me for a very long time and im very excited to day that another place has been crossed off of the list. Aside from all the things that we got to do, there are 2 things that really stand out to me and here they are in no particular order. 1) Being there during the winter, im a huge fan of the cold and to be there during the winter and have it snow was truly a great experience. 2) Jen and i were there during our 5 year anniversary!!!! Wow!!!! It was so cool to be there with her and celebrate such an exciting milestone in our lives. We were there in times square.......words cannot describe how blessed i am to have such an incredible wife and be able to share such experiences. I could go on and on but i know you all hate that so here some city pics and some of our fam while we were all there. Enjoy!!!

5 Years on Time Square!!