How incredible was this shoot?!?! On a scale of 1-10 it was about a billion+1! Seriously Makenna? A-MA-ZING! She seriously did soooo incredibly well. Super relaxed, laid back, very natural in front of the camera. She made my job so incredibly easy for me and it allowed me to do my job in a much more relaxed state of mind. Not only that but putting up with me and my weird ideas is always a challenge im sure, but she did very well. As you will see, yes these were shot at the Bonsall Bridge. While im not a big fan of using a location more than like 4-5 times (i get really bored really quickly) i was still up to the challenge of trying to pull something new from the location. So i played around with multiple strobes, using different lenses, really just pushing the limits of what i know and what my equipment can do. All in all it was a great afternoon, lots of fun, many things learned and more importantly we came away with some sweet photos. Really thankful that the weather held, i was worried that it was going to rain before we got to shoot. Makenna you did awesome thanks for being such a good sport, heres a few of my favorites. Enjoy!

Senior portraits are my new favorite thing to shoot i think, really fun and i can be creative with them.