Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sucking the color out of my photos....

I continue my learning adventure into the B&W world by taking the color right out of some of my photos. Let me know what you guys think, some of them are still being worked on but i thought it would be fun to document the learning process.

For all of you who cant live without color, heres some others ive been working on :)

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Aperture 3........

I recently acquired Aperture 3, its Apples RAW conversion software for the Mac. So far it has been incredible! I love its organizational tools, how everything is integrated into the program itself, from making photo books, exporting for the web, making slideshows and the list goes on and on. It has forced me to rethink, redo, and plan out my organization structure........organizing terabytes of photos is an incredibly painstaking process but worth the time. The editing tools in the program are awesome! They have made incredible changes to the program since it was 1st released, while organizing photos and importing i have been taking some time to put it through the paces and have been processing some files. It has been a lot of fun and for some reason i find some things easier to do in aperture.......im not sure why but it just works out that way. One thing that i have really been enjoying is working with Black and White. I always found it daunting before but its been so fun right now, i am by no means a master at this yet and i know that i am just barely scratching the surface of B&W conversion. I think ill take some classes on how to best utilize the program. Anywho, heres some examples for you!

Here is a B&W version of Spouting Horn in Kauai

And here is the color version, both were processed in Aperture 3

Heres one that i shot in color, never liked it in color but i like it a lot more in B&W. A slight color cast was added to it all done within Aperture. I did 3 different versions of this file in less than 10 minutes......it was awesome!

This is an old color edit i did a couple of years ago, i had not updated this image since my initial edit until today. Wether the difference was because of the program or just my growth in how to edit and knowing what i want in a photo i dont know.......all i know is that i like the new one better.

New version ;)

This one is a couple of years old as well, i had tried to convert it to B&W before but could never get to where i liked it. I still am not completely satisfied with it but its a lot closer than it was before. Here is the color version (im going to redo this one in Aperture in color and post it later)


I know what youre thinking. Why in Gods name would i ever turn images from Hawaii which is nothing but color into B&W. Simply put is that i have always felt that color is eye candy i love the reduction of an image into nothing else but tones......i think ill shoot more B&W in the very near future.