Saturday, January 08, 2011

A bittersweet afternoon...

So right now i have my thursday afternoons back, i was doing sound for the Jordan for a long time but have been asked to take a break. Not having anything to do this last thursday i went out to catch the sunset and lose myself in what i love to do best and thats to be behind the camera. the sunset was really beautiful and the negative tide had left the sand very reflective making for a very beautiful scene as the sun went down. i thank god right now that i have something like photography to take my mind off of everything and help me process through the many conflicting emotions right now. im looking forward to going out and getting back into shooting more and more. theres a couple more photos that i need to process through but i will do that later and update this post with them. for now enjoy these.

1 comment:

Nimbus said...

Amazing sunset that day. Awesome pictures, Renzo.