Thursday, September 13, 2007

Return to Paul Ecke Ranch....

Yesterday i returned to Paul Ecke Ranch for a photoshoot (for a local publication) i had actually been there last year as well to get photos of the ranches specialty....Poinsettias. This year i had to go back and get some quick grab shots and a quick portrait of Mr. Paul Ecke III. I thought this place was HUGE last time i was there but apparently i only saw a fraction of what it truly is, this time i walked all over the place and it just kept on going. I couldnt believe how big this place was!! What a contrast though from last year, last time all the flowers were in bloom so there was color everywhere, this time it was all green. It was a lot of fun, and i got a nice workout in the process all in all a good day. Heres some photos.

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