Well if you havent noticed by now there was a BIG change made to the ol blog. Thanks to my friend and AMAZING photographer
Blaine Franger i was able to figure out how to "supersize" the photos on here. They are huge....maybe a little to huge. The biggest concerns is of course load time so if any of you that read the blog experience really slow load times or the photos are just to big then let me know. Ok so i have been sitting on these photos for like a week now since i have been waiting for the info that i needed to make the size change now that i figured out how i have some new posts for all of you to enjoy. 1st up is the tasty stormy skies that we had last week, ive been really busy and didnt get a lot of time to shoot but managed to get some quick snaps. I love this time of year since its getting cold now and we get lots more stormy skies which makes for a lot more dramatic photos. I cant wait for the next storm to pass through. Heres some photos. Enjoy!!

I also dont want to forget to thank my brother in law William Wilson, who despite his incredibly busy schedule scraped up some time and made it possible for me to make big pictures on here.Thanks brotha as always you are amazing. Come back soon as i have quite a few new post coming up including some night stuff down in Coronado that i did with my buddy
Mike Bacaaddendum:
In addition i would like to give a shout out to my budy
Michael Chan whom i forgot to thank. I was having trouble figuring all this html stuff but he led me to
HTML Dog which was a HUGE help and answered a lot of questions for me. Thanks dude, sorry i forgot about ya!!