I have always been a fan of classical music, when i was a kid its all i would listen to. So for a very long time it has been one of my dreams to watch a symphony. Saturday night i got to finally experience it and it was incredible!!!! Jen works for an accounting firm in San Diego and one of their clients is the San Diego Symphony. I wont go into details as to how we got the tickets but yes we got them and i am so glad that we did. It was incredible, i have always imagined what it would be like to listen to a symphony live.....but nothing really prepares you for it. The amazing skill of the players and the incredible power that is carried by every note, word cannot explain. All i could do is close my eyes and take it all in, the concert was held outdoors in the courtyard area of the Salk Institute who is also a client of Moss Adams. This place is way cool, it was built back in the 60's as the perfect place for scientist to do research and continues to this day to be a model for other labs. They do all sorts of research there but their big focus is cancer research, the building just looks cool and all of the design revolves around low maintenance and bringing natural light into all of the buildings. They gave us a little tour but i sure cant remember all that was said, ill post some links as soon as i have time. For now heres some photos......i will also post more as i get some time. Enjoy.

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