Yes im still alive, my apologies to all of you that keep checking back for not having this updated. I have been super busy lately, theres lots of stuff going on right now. For those of you who don't know, I have worked at North Coast Church for 9 years now, on September 1st I took the very 1st steps into a whole new world. I cut my hours back and went part time so I only work weekends there now, I am now concentrating all of my energies into the growth of my photography business. As a result I have been busy shooting, editing, getting my office organized yada yada yada. Im also in the process of relaunching my
website, my easysite will be up for another year but very soon my new website will be up. Right now only the home page is up, but I will let you know when its up and running. Ok so now......why the title? Well today I finally got to go out and do some shooting for myself, it was so much fun. Of course I went out and photographed some bugs, cus bugs are ridiculously cool. Being at the top of the food chain we don't and having no natural predators I think we forget that there's a very dangerous world out there. Bugs are not at the top so they invariably eat one another, such is the way that the world works, being that bugs have tiny brains it follows that they are sometimes stupid and get caught in situations that they cant get out of. So if you're dumb enough to get eaten well then life sucks for you because you have just become someone else's meal!!! Today was a day of feasting for some bugs and I will tell you that it was freaking cool!!! I leave you with 2 of the best pictures from today........Rest In Peace. Shalom.

1 comment:
deep thoughts from lorenzo... i love it!
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