Tuesday, June 03, 2008

A nice surprise indeed....

I recently started to upload some photos to a site called everywheremag.com its a magazine dedicated to travel photography. i never really think much of it as i upload to share photos and get some feedback from other photographers. Ive had the account for a while now but never really took the time do anything with it as i have been so busy, recently i decided to throw some photos up there and see if there was any interest. Ive gotten some comments here and there but nothing out of the ordinary, couple of nights ago i decided to do a google search on my name to see what would come up. Surprisingly a lot of my stuff comes up if you google my name, among them is some diplomat from puerto rico or something who is apparently going to jail for god only knows what. One of the things that came up though was a blog post with my name on it and it was from everywhere magazine, apperantly someone who works there saw some of my photos and liked what they saw and did a blog post on me. Kinda neat if i do say so myself, i was very surprised and flattered to say the least!!! Heres the link if you want to check it out:
everywhere mag blog

and heres a screen shot of the blog that i found. enjoy!!


Anonymous said...

congrats man! that's awesome

Lorenzo Menendez said...

thanks mr. chan!!! i was wondering were you had gone....it has been far to long. i miss you and your blog updates.

blaine said...

welcome to stardom brotha! better start getting used to it, there's a lot more coming! :)