Monday, June 09, 2008

Congrats to Lierin & Harrison

Ok so i promised some photos from a wedding that we recently shot and then i got a bunch of work that i had to do so ive been shooting like crazy. Plus i went to Big Bear for my homies bachelor party, gotta support the brothas you know. Ok so back to the wedding, so actually shot it on the 25th at the Quail Botanical gardens in Encinitas. The grounds are beautiful but i will admit that i was a little worried and everything is so far apart. The last thing that i wanted to be doing is to take the bride and groom on a trek on the other side of the garden just to take a photo. All was good though as there was some sweet stuff to shoot nearby and we got some cool photos. The wedding was fun to shoot, it was kind of weird to shoot Lierin's wedding though not in a bad way but in a "im starting to get old" kind of way. Lierin and i go way back, and have always had this brother sister relationship going but you know i feel old now cus when she was a student in the HS group at church i was a leader and now shes married.......weird. Seriously though the wedding was awesome and Lierin and Harrison were so easy to work with as everything just flowed naturally and i had such an easy time with it. OK ill stop talking now, just wanted to say a quick thank you to both of you guys for letting us share your special day. Heres some photos. Enjoy!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

beautiful! absolutely amazing!