Ok so i promised some photos from a wedding that we recently shot and then i got a bunch of work that i had to do so ive been shooting like crazy. Plus i went to Big Bear for my homies bachelor party, gotta support the brothas you know. Ok so back to the wedding, so actually shot it on the 25th at the Quail Botanical gardens in Encinitas. The grounds are beautiful but i will admit that i was a little worried and everything is so far apart. The last thing that i wanted to be doing is to take the bride and groom on a trek on the other side of the garden just to take a photo. All was good though as there was some sweet stuff to shoot nearby and we got some cool photos. The wedding was fun to shoot, it was kind of weird to shoot Lierin's wedding though not in a bad way but in a "im starting to get old" kind of way. Lierin and i go way back, and have always had this brother sister relationship going but you know i feel old now cus when she was a student in the HS group at church i was a leader and now shes married.......weird. Seriously though the wedding was awesome and Lierin and Harrison were so easy to work with as everything just flowed naturally and i had such an easy time with it. OK ill stop talking now, just wanted to say a quick thank you to both of you guys for letting us share your special day. Heres some photos. Enjoy!!
Working on some more magazine stuff, they are keeping me busy right now. Working on trying to get another cover out of so if i get it that would be pretty sweet. Went out yesterday with my brother in law to shoot some stuff at the beach, it was a lot of fun and the weather was awesome when we shot. Marine layer was starting to come in but it was still pretty broken up when we shot, so we had some sweet sunset light and clouds that added some texture to the sky. You gotta love family, theyre always willing to help when i need a subject in my photos so theres never a lack of people when i need them. Took about 30 minutes to shoot at the beach, and we were done. By the time we were done the marine layer was starting to get pretty thick so we finished up just in time. Of course you know me, i love moody photos and the dark clouds provided so great opportunities to shoot. After i dropped John off at his place i ventured out once again to take advantage of the soft light and sweet stormy clouds. Shot until it got dark and then went home, all in all it was a pretty sweet day. Enjoy!!
I recently started to upload some photos to a site called everywheremag.com its a magazine dedicated to travel photography. i never really think much of it as i upload to share photos and get some feedback from other photographers. Ive had the account for a while now but never really took the time do anything with it as i have been so busy, recently i decided to throw some photos up there and see if there was any interest. Ive gotten some comments here and there but nothing out of the ordinary, couple of nights ago i decided to do a google search on my name to see what would come up. Surprisingly a lot of my stuff comes up if you google my name, among them is some diplomat from puerto rico or something who is apparently going to jail for god only knows what. One of the things that came up though was a blog post with my name on it and it was from everywhere magazine, apperantly someone who works there saw some of my photos and liked what they saw and did a blog post on me. Kinda neat if i do say so myself, i was very surprised and flattered to say the least!!! Heres the link if you want to check it out: everywhere mag blog
and heres a screen shot of the blog that i found. enjoy!!
The night has such an incredible beauty to it, it just blows me away every time that i am at a place where you can see the stars. Up here there isnt much light pollution and the moon isnt out so it makes for perfect conditions to look at the stars. I was able to pull off 3 exposures before i got really cold and had to go back inside, the 1st one i did i wont even post because its terrible. Basically i tried to shoots something with me in it, i got it all set up and had my exposure time down, put the camera on a timer to give me enough tim to get into the shot. Only one problem.......i needed to unlock the shutter release cable in order to end the exposure since i dont have a way to trip the camera wireless or a cable that will let me input the length of the exposure. Of course i realize this right before i need to end the exposure and know that i need to move in order to do it, but this will ruin my exposure. With no other option i moved and unlocked the cable release and of course ruined the shot......oh well. So i decided to use an empty chair in an open field and try that and light it up with some flash. I did a 15 minute exposure........and i think it came out kinda cool. The 3rd shot was just something real quick so its nothing impressive but the stars look really cool so i kept it. That was my evening and now some photos for you. Enjoy!!
The bachelor party still goes......in fact some of us are still awake as you can clearly see. Most have gone to bed long ago but the die hards (or dumb ones if you so choose) are still up goofing around. So far we have been a blast!!! I went out again yesterday, didnt go out more than a few hundred feet and had no real agenda for the afternoon so i decided to try out something that i have been wanting to do for a while. I like working with strobes and my cameras have a feature called high speed sync, basically the camera and the flash are able to sync up to the top shutter speed of the camera which is 1/8000 of a second. Being able to do this of course opens up many new opportunities but i havent really had a chance to try it out. There really wasnt much up here that i thought would be cool to try it on so i settled for some wild plants growing around here. Would have been great if they had some sweet looking flowers on them but hey you take what you can get. Anywho, it was a lot of fun and i learned a lot, of course as many things in photography the ability to shoot flash at such a fast shutter speed is without its costs. You sacrifice power for that ability, meaning that your flash has to be ridiculously close to your subject, but this can be overcome by using more flashes which i just might invest in. Other that experimenting i got to do a couple of macro shots and followed these little white bugs around trying to get a good shot. I miss shooting this kind of stuff , but im grateful that i at least get to do it once in a while. So there you have it, heres some photos for you. Enjoy!!
Im Lorenzo Menendez, my life is a constant adventure. I am grateful to have my beautiful wife by my side to share in it all, in January it will be 8 years for us. We love our 2 energetic dogs Koa & Kai. Ive been doing this for 15 years, and have learned it all by trial and error. I won't bore you with tales of how this is my passion, half of the world is a photographer now and they all claim it as their "passion". My work will speak for itself and my passion will shine through my images. I became a photographer because i love nature, i didn't do it to become rich or for praise. My goals are simple, have my love for our world come through my images & in the process make you fall in love with it too. In the end i love life, i love nature, i love beautiful light and good compositions. Hope you enjoy it :)