Yeah cloud know that thing that you always see in movies where people lie on their backs and try to find shapes in the clouds. OK ill be totally honest, these photos were in no way taken while liying on my back and partaking of the aforementioned activity. They were taken in the parking lot of In-n-Out before i went in to get a greasy burger and continue to feed my obesity........mmmmm in-n-out. Ok back to the clouds, i love clouds!! Mostly because they provide such great texture to the sky, and with the the imminent curtain fall on winter i gotta enjoy these wonderful things while they last. Dont get me wrong i love summer and im all for warm weather, but lets face it clear blue skies for the next 3-4 months.......BOOOOOORING!!! Thats all i have been seeing the past 2 weeks is clear blue skies oh and that all so wonderful marine layer. Yeah that crap that starts out like cool clouds so you get all excited and head down to the coast to scope out a cool location only to arrive and see this gross layer of gray crap that covers all of the glory that the setting sun could be......yeah THAT marine layer!!! Anywho, these 3 images were taken weeks and weeks ago, but as i went through all the editing i have to do i saw them and did a quick 5 minute editing sesh on them. so there you are.........enjoy!!

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Well written article.
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