So today i had to go to Carlsbad to pick up the tripod foot that was missing from my new lens. That story in itself is a long one so i will spare you all. While i was heading to the lab to pick up the foot the sun was starting to set and with all the wind the ocean looked pretty cool. I was pretty bummed that i was going to miss it as i had all my gear, but i had to be at the lab before they closed. I called to say i was on my way and was informed that the foot was not there.....while mildly annoying i was excited cus that meant i could catch some of the drama in the sky. So i ran back down to the beach waited until the sun dipped under the horizon and started to shoot. Light fades fast so i had to move to get what i wanted, i didnt have time to move to far so i found a life gaurd tower and concentrated on that. SO!! while i didnt get that peice that i needed the day was not lost as i was able to get a couple of shots. Here they are......Enjoy.

I was out of time so this one is sloppy but i still like it....

Im sure many of you will wonder if this shot is before you ask.....yes its photoshopped. While im not one to extensively edit my files i still like to play around sometimes. I dont like to make things unrealistic so i try to stick to simple edits, so this is the "processed" file....

And here is the original...

Unrealistic? I dont think so, but you can make your own choice and yell at me if you want.
1 comment:
totally realistic! matter of a fact, i think it's more realistic than the original!
i love photoshop....
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