aka i gots new toys....so my 80-200mm 2.8 had a little accident the other day. the focus limiter switch was torn off somehow, i have no clue how it happened but i looked down and just about fainted when i saw that the switch was gone. now i know youre probably asking yourself "whats the big deal about some stupid switch?" well the switch sits at the front of the barrel and with it gone i can see straight into the lens barrel and right behing the 1st glass element. of course this happened a week before i needed to use it for a shoot.......figures. i knew that i wouldnt get it back in time if i sent it in, so it was time to get the back up lens that i have been meaning to get. i bought the Nikon 70-200 2.8 AF-S VR man thats a mouth full. yeah its basiclly the same lens, bt i use my 80-200 so much that i needed a back up in case it went down. the new lens is incredible!!!! i love it, it has the silent wave motor in it so it focuses super fast and the VR (vibration reduction) is really cool. i can shoot handheld at 200mm at a 15th of a second and still get a good shot.......AWESOME!!!! i am such a nerd i tells ya!! second item i bought was the Gary Fong lightsphere, i have been reading a lot about these and seeing them all over the net i figured "why not" its a pretty cool little diffuser and the light just goes everywhere.......ok ive said enough heres some pics of the lovely rig.

nikon lens breaking for an unknown reason.... hmmmm. haha, you know i was going to give you some crap!
congrats on the sweet new lens!
hahahahahaha yeah yeah yeah mister "im a mighty Canon shooter" I guess being a latino ive gotten used to being a minority and thats why i shoot Nikons.....oh wait arent Latinos taking over California?!?! Muahahahahaha a chilling vision of things to come. NIKONS EVERYWHERE!!!
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