Ok so a few weeks ago i did an engagement photo with Liz and Kerry, now this was one that i was llooking forward to for a while. One because i love hanging out with Liz and Kerry and 2 because they decided to be brave and have their photos at the Salton Sea. Now if you have followed this blog at all you know that im a BIG fan of the Salton Sea, this place just feels like youre on another planet because its all deserted and run down. About the only down side to this place is the smell, i wont go into detail as to why the place smells but the simple explanation is that there are a lot of fish that die and wash up on shore. So as you can imagine all these decaying fish start to smell after a while, now yes i did tell Liz and Kery about this before the decision was made but i think it still took them by surprise when we arrived there. I will say that while i was excited to shoot there, the day of i was filled with a lot of disappointment. Having shot there before there was a certain expactation as to how it would all be, and basically everything was different. A few days before we were supposed to shoot there was a storm that had come through, this didnt concern me to much as i love having some sweet clouds to work with but i was concerned that all the rain would make the shores really muddy. Still we decided to shoot, the whole drive there i was really excited as there was no rain but there were some really SWEET clouds.........and then as soon as we hit Palm Springs.......CLEAR BLUE SKIE'S!!!! Bummer for me, oh well i thought, ill just make it work as theres plenty of stuff that we can shoot there. As soon as we arrived at our destination though i was bummed again, every other time that i have been there this place is deserted and we just happened to come on the ONE day that the ENTIRE PLANET was visiting the Salton Sea. After shooting for a bit we moved to another location that had some sweet run down buildings the last time i was there........except that now theyve been torn down!!! So with all the things that i expected to have to work with being gone i had a challenging time looking for cool stuff to shoot. Sometimes though those are the times when youre at your best since you have to think past the usual stuff that you look for and this was no different. We found some really cool locations to use and had a blast, Liz and Kerry were awesome to work with as they pretty much let me do whatever i wanted to do.We came away with some really sweet photos that i think looked really unique thanks to the amazing landscape at the Salton Sea. Of course i owe a HUGE thanks to my lovely wife who sacrificed her weekend to come with us and helped me so much with holding reflectors strobes and so on, things would have been so much more difficult without her there. So there you have it, as always i had a great time spending another day "working". Liz and Kerry.....thank you for being brave and making the day so fun, hope you guys enjoyed it too. Heres some photos. Enjoy!!!

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