I was out scouting a location with my friend Lee Arnold for a photoshoot that i might do for Chamberlain Property Management (thats the company he works for). We went to check out this location that i have shot at before to get some idea as to what we can do and once we arrived and looked out at the water Lee says" God!!! Seriously why would you want to live anywhere else?!?!" While every place has its beauty i think he has a very good point, why live anywhere else. We are by the coast the weather is gorgeous, the views are gorgeous, we have all of these things going for us and yet its something that we living in California take for granted all to often. Im not one for shooting sunsets and it seems that i have been doing a lot of that lately, but when youre hit with truth like that and beauty is staring you right in the face........what else can you do but point a camera at it and try to capture it. Heres some photos. Enjoy.
P.S. If youre ever looking to buy a place in Carlsbad then you should check out Chamberlain, they are seriously top notch and some of the best people in the business.
But ill take living in California as a very close second, as much as i love all the consistent weather i also love it when we get nice storms that go through here. Bad weather makes for better photos, after a nice little drive from Big Bear with my brother David and our friend Mike i finally got home. I was exhausted but i looked out the window and saw that there were some sweet clouds in the sky. Tired as i was i couldnt just got to sleep, not when theres photos to be taken. So off i went all my gear with me i took off and headed to Carlsbad, not having enough time to drive around and scope a spot i went to Tamarrack, a beach i know well, and waited for a little while as the sun dipped further and further into the horizon. I had an amazing time running around setting up shots and doing it before i lost to much light. So here they are, hope you like them.
I went out this morning to do some shooting as the sun was coming up, i didnt get nearly as much stuff as i did yesterday but it was still a lot of fun to be out. I technically didnt get up because i never really went to sleep but i think now i will go take a little nap. Heres some photos. Enjoy!!
As i mentioned before i havent really had a chance to go shooting stuff that i love to shoot, but since im up at Big Bear theres still some snow on the ground and i had just been obliterated at the game we were just playing it was time to go outside. I didnt expect to really find much out there and for a little while i was right, but as the sun began to set the light was just incredible!! Words cannot describe what an incredible time i had, it was seriously so relaxing. I had an awesome time out there even though i was freezing my butt off. Enough of me talking though, heres some photos. Enjoy!!
Yes its that time of year again, Frag Bear is in full swing. If you follow the blog at all you know that last year i did a post when i was up here with my brothers and friends for a LAN party up in Big Bear. Once again all of us nerds have gathered for a week of video game mayhem!!! Everyone else got here on Thursday but i was not able to come up with them since i had to shoot a friends wedding on Saturday ( more on that later so check back soon). Steves dad Bruce was kind enough to fly me up here in his plane which was sooooo much fun. We flew out of Fallbrook this morning, i had a lot of fun talking with Bruce on the way up and shooting some photos. Well now im here and im having a blast, i was able to go out today and shoot some stuff right at sunset which by the way was gorgeous. I havent gotten to do a lot of shooting for myself so i had a BLAST!!! Ill do another post on that after this one. For now heres some photos of the flight up, enjoy!
Tonight The Jordan (North Coast Church College Group) had a special treat, the band Future of Forestry came in to play worship. I was supposed to to do sound for them but i had a photo shoot come up at the last minute and both the events overlapped, i was really bummed but such is life sometimes. I did stop by the church after my shoot to check them out.......im glad that i did. Im not really one for Christian music but do appreciate Christian artist that are creative and arent totally "christianise" i dont know if that makes sense at all. Fututure of Forestry is one of those bands that i really appreciate though and i feel can make a big impact. These guys are awesome and it was so much fun listening play live, the Jordan is heldl in the Edge ( one of the venues at North Coast) which is great cus this room has a ton of really cool lights. I will say that i wish there was more light that fell on the actual band, theres great color everywhere but i have to drag my shutter so much to hold any detail in the people. One real nice treat for me thought was to see Eric Owyoung again, hes the lead man for FOF but i knew him way back in the day when he was in Something like Silas. That was like 7 years ago and back in the days when i 1st started to do sound at the church.....man time flies. Back then i taught them how to wrap their cables the right way, the over under method, i guess for all these years they affectionately referred to this method as the Lorenzo Wrap......hahahahaha its nice to be remembered after all these years. It as good to see you Eric, you guys sounded awesome!! Heres some photos.
Well our life has been nothing short of crazy lately, i was sick for 6 days with the WORST food poisining i have ever had. After i got all better my wifes car died in the middle of the road and had to be taken to the shop. 300 plus bucks later we pick up the car and start the drive home......still not fixed. Found out later that they didnt know what was wrong with it and to keep shooting in the dark trying to figure out the problem was going to get expensive. We thank God for HIS incredible grace as our mechanic did all the work at no charge. So the decision was made to get Jen a new car, so we took a BIG financial hit but are thankful that we had the money to pay for a lot of the car. So where is all this going? Well during the time that i was sick i had an engagement shoot scheduled, of course being so sick i had to reschedule and so we did for December 1st. Yesterday i had the shoot with Jennifer and Jordan up in laguna beach, everything was totally fine, the drive up was nice but when i parked my car i see steam coming from under the hood. Yeah my radiator is cracked......what else can you do but laugh? God's doing something i think but i sure am not enjoying the process, all i can do is depend on HIS strength to get through it. Well the shoot was great albeit windy and cold, poor Jen she was FREEZING the whole time but she was such a good sport and just went a long with it. i didnt have a chance to really check out the area before hand because of my car trouble so nothing to out of the box on this shoot. The sky was nothing short of gorgeous though and it was a lot of fun to shoot with such a beautiful backdrop. Jen and Jordan were awesome!!! Soooo flexible and willing to help when i called and told them what was going on with the car, thank you guys for being so understanding and flexible. People like you are what makes the job so fun and worthwhile. Heres some photos for ya.
Im Lorenzo Menendez, my life is a constant adventure. I am grateful to have my beautiful wife by my side to share in it all, in January it will be 8 years for us. We love our 2 energetic dogs Koa & Kai. Ive been doing this for 15 years, and have learned it all by trial and error. I won't bore you with tales of how this is my passion, half of the world is a photographer now and they all claim it as their "passion". My work will speak for itself and my passion will shine through my images. I became a photographer because i love nature, i didn't do it to become rich or for praise. My goals are simple, have my love for our world come through my images & in the process make you fall in love with it too. In the end i love life, i love nature, i love beautiful light and good compositions. Hope you enjoy it :)