Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Toy update.....
Ok so im an Apple fanatic, eversince i got my first power book ive been hooked. Not to long ago they came out with a sweet Ipod that incorporated the touch interface that the introduced with the Iphone. While i loved the idea and that incredible wide screen i wasnt about to pay 400 bucks for the 16gb version which would be a serious downgrade in storage capacity to my 60gb one that i have now. Well to be completely honest with you, i was going to pay 400 bucks but lucky for me my buddy Blaine has more sense than me and isnt a technology whore like i am, so he actually talked me out of it and i was going to wait for the 2nd gen version. Well all that changed about a week ago when i went to Costco and saw that they had a couple of Ipod touches for 273 bucks.....now that in itself is a SWEET deal for the 16gb version as it retails for 400 bones. I wont go into the particulars of it all but i will say that Costco pulled some bonehead moves and i made out like a bandit that day......final cost of the ipod? 237 hahahahahahaha sucks for you Costco. Well now that i have it i will say that i LOVE IT!!!! The touch screen is awesome!!! Typing is not as hard as i thought it would be, i love that i can browse the internet wherever i can get an open wifi signal, i love to answer email with the thing. The best thing? The screen!! Its gorgeous and the photos look SWEET on it, and thats the main reason why i wanted it anyways is to show off photos and so far everyone is amazed by the thing. So much so actually that my brother in law got one for himself and the greatest thing is that my brother David (Mr. Windows) loved the interface so much he went out and got an Iphone......he is now tainted. I think Apple shouls sponsor me........hahahahahahaha. If youre a photographer or just like to look at photos then i say get one, it is well worth it as you can show off your work and do slideshows on it. Maybe wait for the next version though as im sure they will only get better, i only got mine because it was an amazing deal. Heres a quick photo of mine.

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Hah! I'm actually Mr. Windows/Linux... just never got into the Macs. But this iPhone is simply amazing (and the iPod Touch). Thanks for getting me hooked, jerk. =)
I agree with David. But I don't think you are a jerk. :)
Uhm, talking to yourself now?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! yes yes i am, its a hobby of mine to have conversations with myself. actually i think Julia left it while she was using my computer, i was signed on to my blogger account so it left it as me.
impulsive i tell you.... IMPULSIVE!!!!
just wait till i buy mine in a bit because i waited.... it will be 160GB for $27.30... and no sales tax in Oregon.... :)
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