i went out yesterday afternoon in search of photos, more specifically panoramas. I have gotten into making panoramic images and doing the best i can to master this technique. It is a lot of fun doing these but can also be incredibly frustrating as youre waiting around for good even light and sometimes for elements within the composition to all come together. One added advantage of doing these is that i have to really scout for a good location to take them from, i also have to give a good amount of forethought to how things will line up and if they will match up once i merge the images together. It is Incredibly time consuming but has gotten me into slowing down and being more methodical with my images, something that i had gotten away from. I set up yesterday and spent about an hour getting setup and seeing if everything would work together, one of the things that i wanted in the image was the coaster train. But 1st i had to make sure that the entire train would fit into one frame or else the blend would not work, i also wanted it to beheading south so i could see the front of the train. Alas i had 2 opportunities, the 1st i screwed up as i had zoomed in to far and the whole train didnt fit into one frame, the second time i got it but it was heading in the wrong direction. So i stuck around to try again, confident that i had worked out the problems i stood there waiting. The sun began to fall and light was fading fast.......still no train. I was to find out shortly that the last train had gone by and i had missed my opportunity, it was beyond disappointing but i live to shoot another day. Frustrated and disappointed i tried to make the most of the remaining light and went out to shoot some more images, nothing to exciting but it was nice to be out again doing what i love to do. Enjoy!
Not willing to let the whole afternoon be a waste i stitched together the one panoramic that i managed to get with the Coaster in it. 10 photos in all, its not great but its a start.